Mikrozid® AF liquid, 250 ml spray bottle


Mikrozid® AF liquid

Spray bottle

250 ml

Order number: DI-014 Categories: , , ,


Mikrozid® AF liquid, 250 ml spray bottle

Alcohol-based rapid disinfectant for non-invasive medical products and other surfaces on basis of alcohol.


Alcohol-based rapid disinfection of medical devices in all areas and all kinds of wipeable surfaces with an increased risk of infection and where short contact times are required, e.g.:

  • Patient nearby surfaces
  • Patient treatment units
  • Examination couches
  • Operating tables and nearby work surfaces
  • Surfaces of medical equipment



  • Ready to use
  • Very broad biocidal activity within the shortest possible time
  • Good wetting properties
  • Dries rapidly without leaving smears


Content: 250ml mikrozid® AF liquid