
MediWipes Neutral Dispenser with 115 wipes

Original price was: $9.59.Current price is: $7.63.

✓ alcohol-free (gentle for many materials)

✓ practically individually removable

✓ effective against bacteria, viruses (HBV/HIV) and fungi (Candita albicans)

✓ suitable for medical products

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MediWipes Neutral Dispenser

First and easy disenfection of non-porous surfaces and medical devices

Dispenser contains with 115 wipes – recommended for doctors offices, nursing homes, hospitals, sleep labatories etc.

Fragrance: Neutral


  • alcohol-free (gentle for many materials)
  • practically individually removable
  • effective against bacteria, viruses (HBV/HIV) and fungi (Candita albicans)
  • suitable for medical products


Thoroughly wipe the surface to be disinfected with a damp disinfection cloth, and after 1 minute of exposure time, wipe the hearing aid and the earmold dry with an absorbent cloth. One cloth is sufficient for an area of approx. 30 x 30 cm.