lic2® Electrode Cream, 10 tubes x 100g


✓ lic2 electrode cream

✓ For EEG and PSG

✓ 10 tubes, a 100 g

Order number: CR-004c Categories: ,


lic2® Electrode Cream for routine-EEG and Sleep-EEG (PSG)

EEG Adhesive and Conductive Cream for simultaneous adhesion and conduction during EEG examinations


Excellent electrode cream for cup electrodes during routine-EEG and sleep diagnostics (PSG)




  • Self-adhesive
  • Excellent impedance value and stability
  • Easy to remove
  • Ensures accurate recording
  • Tube is designed for direct applications
  • Significant improvement of electrode impedance (Comparison of 34 PSG recordings; Number of samples N=132; T-Test with p<0.05)
  • 100 g tube (3.5 oz.)



Having a high quality electrode is only part of the picture when pursuing a strong and reliable signal. The correct treatment of the skin and maintaining a stable placement of the gold cup electrode is critical to reach a low impedance recording during an EEG examination. CNSac gold cup electrode are naturally optimized to provide low impedance and easy placement however, skin preparation gel (such as Nuprep) and a quality adhesive conducting paste like lic2 should be used to achieve a less than 5k ohms impedance (according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM))


Not available for sale in the US.


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