CNSAC Disposable EEG Cup Electrodes, 75 cm Leadwire, 25 pcs.


Disposable EEG cup electrodes

75 cm wire length

25 pcs.

Order number: CE-170 Categories: , ,


CNSAC Disposable EEG Cup Electrodes, Silver-Silver Chloride (Ag/AgCl), 75 cm Leadwire


Disposable EEG Cup Electrodes for EEG, EP and PSG examinations.


EEG Cup Electrodes for Electroencephalography (EEG), Polysomnography (PSG), long-term EEG monitoring (LTM), Electromyography (EMG), Electrocardiography (ECG), Electrooculography (EOG) and evoked potential (EP)


High quality silver-silver chloride cup electrodes are optimized to provide low impedance and easy placement on scalp.


Advanced properties:

  • Highly flexible and biocompatible wire
  • Advanced silver/silver chloride (Ag/AgCl) sensor ensures high signal quality
  • 75 cm wire length
  • 25 pcs.
  • 10 mm cup diameter
  • 5 mm female DIN42802 connector
  • 6 mm hole allows gel to escape during positioning and permits blunt needle insertion
  • Eliminates the risk of cross-contamination


10 assorted colors: 3x red, 3x blue, 3x yellow, 3x green, 3x orange, 2x white, 2x black, 2x purple, 2x grey and 2x brown

The main advantage of disposable cup electrodes is the elimination of cross-contamination in clinics and hospitals. This subject was summarized in an excellent article in the sleepreviewmag. Read it by clicking HERE.


CNSAC disposable EEG cup electrodes are compatible to all medical instruments with a 1.5 mm input socket including but not limited to: Embla, Natus Medical, Cadwell, Somnomedics, Löwenstein, Xltek, Nihon Kohden, etc.

Tutorial: How to attach EEG electrodes:

Learn how to attach Cup Electrodes with our tutorial video in easy steps.


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